Oct 30, 2021
Amazonic Audiovisions is a climate change project that brings together OPIAC, Organizmo, and the Collective group Dabucurí Cinético in Tabio, Colombia to create a VR project for the COP26 conference. The project aims to highlight the reality of original towns in Colombia and to promote their preservation for the future. By using VR technology, the project seeks to engage and educate viewers about the importance of protecting these communities and their unique cultural and environmental values. The project is a collaboration between a range of organizations and individuals, and represents an important step in raising awareness about climate change and the need for action to protect our planet.
Climate change
Climate change

Principal motivation

The voices of the indigenous youth rise up in a cry and dance of resistance in support of the indigenous minga and in the context of the city at national and international level to tell the world "Enough is enough" to the violation of the rights of indigenous peoples! OPIAC 2021
We have been enlightened by the words of our ancestors, grandfathers, and grandmothers, and the orders of our leaders to preserve our ancestral and cultural heritage and care for our Mother Earth. We have joined the OPIAC youth team and a group of artists to form the collective Dabucurí Cinético, which seeks to honor the struggle and historical resistance of our people in the Colombian Amazon.
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Inside to Organizmo word house

Learning Through Engagement: How Amazonic Audiovisions is Using VR to Educate and Inspire

The development of Amazonic Audiovisions began with a group of individuals coming together to discuss pressing issues and topics related to climate change, energy, and indigenous issues in Colombia. These conversations centered on the role of art and new technologies as a means of addressing these issues and promoting positive change. After two months of discussion and planning, the group came together to record a 360-video dance and document the traditions and ways of life of original towns in Colombia. The goal of this project is to showcase these communities and their unique cultures at the COP26 congress, in order to raise awareness about the importance of preserving them for the future.
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Group young of OPIAC During the two days of recording, the group shared ideas, knowledge, and experiences, and began the process of building real communication and collaboration between indigenous and urban communities. This project represents an important step towards fostering understanding and cooperation between these groups, and towards working towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

Tackling Climate Change One Project at a Time: How Amazonic Audiovisions is Making a Difference

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Glasgow, COP26 conference
When Hector, the leader of OPIAC, arrived in Glasgow for the COP26 conference, he was filled with both fear and determination. He knew that it was important to reach as many people as possible with the message of Amazonic Audiovisions, and he was determined to do whatever it took to get the word out. Over the course of his time in Glasgow, Hector worked to connect with people and find spaces where he could hold word circles and talk about climate change. During these conversations, Hector shared the story of Amazonic Audiovisions and the 360-video that OPIAC had created. Many people were moved to tears by the story and were touched by the powerful message of the video. One particularly memorable moment for Hector came when he visited a garden in Glasgow and encountered a number of animals from the Amazon. As he watched the animals and experienced the unique atmosphere of the garden, he was struck by a sense of connection and understanding. He realized that he was not alone in his struggle to protect the Amazon and its inhabitants, and that there were many others around the world who shared his passion and commitment. This experience further reinforced his determination to use Amazonic Audiovisions as a way to raise awareness about climate change and the importance of preserving the Amazon for future generations.

Celebrating the Culture and Creativity of Original Towns: The Exciting Exposition of Amazonic Audiovisions at MAMM

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Exposition in MAMM
The video dance project of the OPIAC and Dabucurí was a highlight of our exhibition at the MAMM museum of art. This project, which was originally presented at COP26, was on display for three months at the museum, giving visitors the opportunity to experience the rich culture and traditions of the Amazonian indigenous peoples. We were thrilled to have the chance to showcase our work at the MAMM, and we were especially excited to engage with indigenous communities from across the country. Over the course of three days, we participated in talks and discussion circles, sharing our experiences and learning from others about the importance of preserving and celebrating indigenous cultures.
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Aperture Ceremony in MAMM The video dance itself was a powerful and moving piece that combined traditional elements with modern technologies to create a truly immersive experience. It was a privilege to be able to share this work with others, and we were grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of those who visited the MAMM. Overall, it was a truly memorable and rewarding experience that we will always treasure.
PAFLOODSTANLiving among cushions